A stopped job is one that has been temporarily put into the background and is no longer running, but is still using resources such (i.e. system memory). Because that job is not attached to the current terminal, it cannot produce output and is not receiving input from the user. You can see jobs you have running using the jobs builtin command in bash, probably other shells as well. Example: Screen Shot 2016-07-08 at 3.27.39 PM     You can resume a stopped job by using the fg (foreground) bash built-in command. If you have multiple commands that have been stopped you must specify which one to resume by passing jobspec number on the command line with fg. If only one program is stopped, you may use falone: Screen Shot 2016-07-08 at 3.29.43 PM     At this point you are back in the interpreter and may exit by using control-D. ref: http://unix.stackexchange.com/questions/116959/there-are-stopped-jobs-on-bash-exit